coloured bits

By: Lesley

Apr 30 2012

Category: Flamborough


Focal Length:220mm
Shutter:1/0 sec
Camera:NIKON D60

This seems to be another patchwork barn, but this time with lots of colour! Maybe there was a sale on remnant siding?

Participating in Barn Charm


10 comments on “coloured bits”

  1. i like the patchiness of this. 🙂

  2. I would not doubt if you aren’t right about a remnant sale or something..I cannot decide if I like it or not.

  3. Look at all that color! nice find!

  4. what awesome colors. so many to look at. i really enjoy the different blues. (:

  5. I wonder if they were able to salvage “scrap” siding and thereby built their barn for less. Maybe they always intended to paint it when they were finished building it.

    Whatever – – – it certainly is a striking and eye-catching patchwork barn!

  6. Maybe, but I love that stone foundation! Great find

    Thank you for joining =)

  7. Patchwork barns…you have found a new category. It is really interesting. I love your idea that the owners might have hit a sale on siding. Great find. Keep up the good work, Lesley. genie

  8. Looks like they are working their way around the barn, piece by piece. The important thing is the old barn is getting new siding.

  9. Certainly different but you can’t help but notice it regardless of the weather. Makes a great landmark for giving directions.

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