patio in the sun

By: Lesley

Mar 30 2012

Category: Hamilton


Focal Length:11.9mm
Shutter:1/0 sec

Though still a bit cool, these people did not mind sitting out on the sunny, bright patio.

Participating in Friday Fences and Sunlit Sunday


22 comments on “patio in the sun”

  1. What an elegant fence!

    Fence at Sunrise

  2. Great shot…love the edits!

  3. Love the ornate design of the fence!
    Great composition and I like ‘the story’ it seems to tell.

  4. Pretty darn fancy fence for an outdoor patio.

  5. what a great place to relax. (:

  6. My kind of spot in the city! I can so see myself there.

  7. That is a beautiful fence…I am always anxious to sit outside to eat. I would be right with those people.

  8. Wonderful fence! Great photograph!

  9. That’s an amazing shot!

  10. What an architecturally interesting city you live in Lesley and it makes a lot of sense for you to share these treasures through your photo blog. You inspire me to get out in the older part of Louisville, camera in hand. We too have a lot of French inspiration in our architecture.

  11. Leslie, I have been trying to leave you a comment for the last three days, and could not get it to go through. My Blogger and Google accounts would not work. Finally, today I noticed I had to use me facebook account. First, time that has happened. Seems that six months of being absent from the blogging world has caused a lot of changes. I know longer know what I thought I knew, apparently.

    I have found that some of my blogging favorites have retired or moved on to other things. Some of my favorite memes are either gone or taken over by someone new. I was delighted to see that you are still doing your sign meme and I will try to join back in soon. But, most of my sign photos do not fit into the plans I have for my photo blog. I hope to be back to doing my regular blog in a few weeks. I am having trouble getting my head around writing just yet. It’s all about taking baby steps I guess.

    Leslie, I have always loved your work and spent some time the other night catching up. You have a very talented eye for details. It is hard to pick a favorite among your current captures.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and your nice comment.

    Rita aka Cashjocky from

  12. I love brick buildings. And the light in your shot is perfect!

  13. I imagine this must be a very busy spot when the sun warms things up a bit more!

  14. The lighting in this shot is awesome in its beauty. I think I would be sitting outside there, too. The brick is glowing. genie

  15. It doies look warm and inviting! nicely done!

  16. NIce sunny day! My idea of a good way to start the day … sitting in the sun. Cool fence! Happy Spring!

  17. Looks like a nice spot for conversation with a friend.

  18. How lovely to sit and soak up the sun. The fence is wonderful, would love that in my garden.

  19. Gorgeous, mellow colours here!

  20. I can imagine the heat from the bricks, warming the evening air for those lucky diners.

  21. Lovely image here of a sheltered sunny spot.

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