Little Italy

By: Lesley

Mar 24 2012

Category: bridges, Ottawa


Focal Length:6.9mm
Shutter:1/0 sec

Preston Street (subtitled Corso Italia) is the heart of Little Italy in Ottawa, although many of the families have moved on and it is a small stretch of road with a few businesses left. This mural under the bridge celebrates some of that heritage.

Participating in Sunday Bridges


9 comments on “Little Italy”

  1. I have not made it yet to Ottowa, but I plan on going for the tulip festival. It seems every major city has a little Italy. 🙂

  2. Great shot of this monumental entranceway to Little Italy, Lesley!

  3. This is great – could work well for Signs, Signs too!

  4. Does the ‘Little Italy’ glow neon and flash at night?

  5. Thank you for the comments you have been leaving on my blog! I love this photo! Who would imagine this would be in Ottowa!

  6. I like the mural, I guess the frame all tell a story that is really interesting.

  7. This is far from my image of Ottawa… so much more earthy than the manicured image of our capital city.

    [There are arches on both sides of my bridge, Lesley; it’s just the straight on angle of my shot that makes it look like a single set.]

  8. good to have the mural, stops graffitti

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