
By: Lesley

May 27 2013

Category: sacred, Toronto


Focal Length:42mm
Shutter:1/0 sec
Camera:NIKON D60

While walking around this church taking photos of the lilacs and the stained glass windows, I noticed that the transom window over some of the doors were in the shape of candles. This is part of the Kingsway-Lambton united Church built in 1936. You can get a virtual tour of the stained glass windows here

Participating in Whimsical Windows


7 comments on “candles”

  1. How beautiful! I didn’t even notice them at first, what a lovely surprise!

  2. How appropriate, candles! So glad you noticed that.

  3. Takes a double look. Pleasant surprise.

  4. Love the shape of this door. Great architectural shot!

  5. I’ll have to look more closely at these kind of church windows!

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