red door

By: Lesley

Apr 01 2012

Category: Dundas


Focal Length:11.9mm
Shutter:1/0 sec

These ‘Victorian’ screen doors usually look so out of place on urban houses and this one seems to be adding a competition for attention with the lovely glass.

Participating in Whimsical Windows and Delirious Doors and Monday Doorway


11 comments on “red door”

  1. You’re right – it is a bit too much going on there! The door would be happier with simpler glass.

  2. Typical of the Victorians to gild the lily…
    Nice shot, Lesley.

  3. A very intriguing photo of #31!

  4. Oh Lesley, that’s so elegant and pretty! Great find!

  5. I like the glass surrounding the red portal! The screen door is loud, a bold red that nearly overpowers the scene. It is detailed so well – the house is beautiful, a testament to the architecture of the era…

  6. I’d like that as a framed photo, it is so gorgeous! Nice shot. Where was it taken?

    • This was taken in Dundas Ont, just north of Hamilton. I think it is on Albert Street. Do you know that area? (I have no idea where you are!)

  7. Wow, this photo really appeals to me. I love everything about it, the color, the design, all of it. Even the number over the door.

  8. While it is a bit busy visually, I am drawn to the colors, the brick and red door contrasting so well with the grays.

  9. love all the detailed work on the home/door. (:

  10. I love that screen door! And I have thought if it were not for having AC running, I would have a wooden screen door again!

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